Give Back

Sea Blue Company’s Livin’ Swell Initiative


Sea Blue Company is proud to conduct business through a holistic methodology. Our beliefs are that every business should give back to the community, region, and world in some shape or form. To achieve this, Sea Blue Company is  hands on volunteering in the community, from past beach clean ups to teaching free mediation workshops to youth. Sea Blue Company will continue to offer free mediation classes and services to those in need. Additionally, Sea Blue Company posts and networks all internships with no upfront or periodic fees. Every qualified internship posted on Sea Blue company is networked to 22 colleges and university who are members of a career action network that works to provide students with educational opportunities. We believe that all educational opportunities deserve to be networked equally, regardless of a business’s/non profit’s/organization’s economic status.

 Sea Blue Company is currently developing a program to provide at risk youth with hands on skills in maritime vocational disciplines. Sea Blue Company hopes to provide more students with a stronger educational background and invaluable hands-on experience. This in turn, will lead to more qualified applicants entering the workforce.

Sea Blue Company is passionate about our young community. We want our students to know what it truly means to be Livin’ Swell.